Sunrise nearing its death, the end of today complementing the beauty of a pen stroke, harsh scratching alleviating indelible ideas showing selves in hues painting our last moments allowing me to trace timelines in the contoured caresses of this silent instrument played to blend melody with beginnings, each progression scaling further along the passing hours left settling to minutes from now, purpose elaborated in contrasting blues and oranges and purples composing the elegance of utility, colors not enough to excise the excesses of depicting days in dimensions, of simplifying it to degrees of time. Laying alongside this current to shape clouds and animate constellations, my faux-corpse stares again into the memory held in galaxies only glimpsed at twilight. Sharp cuts of consonants and vowels' smoothed corners try to rid me of stream of conscious thinking loosed, the inner struggle hoping for reprieve from that constant combative nature of inward disagreement and dialectic digression deflecting the question of what if we'd only spoke instead of being lost to foreign type-faces designed by some soul never to see the dying day my way. If only we'd spoke, I would have had the chance to stumble on a goodbye. Rather we are left to flourishes of unfamiliar weapons sitting askew on these pages, the balance shifted due to us degrading to another's personality, and writing out those lines we couldn't come to say.