I lay here longing for whatever you’ll give me This shouldn’t have happened like this I was never supposed to be the one left Vulnerable shouldn’t be a word in our dictionary We were supposed to stick to fun and easy It was supposed to be mutual Mutual admiration, mutual lust But I’m the one left waiting And you could care less You dove in when I was still standing Now I’m the one kneeling You tower above me with your smirk Knowing you have the advantage I hate you for it I hang on your every word Except your words never come often enough I’m left holding my breath I forget how to breathe Now I’m left with what you exhale It’s thick and empty, not giving me what I need I want to trade places Let me be the one on top I can’t stay here under you You dove in before me But I dove in right after you Stupid girl I should drown you in the sea of yourself It was your water we dove in So carefully mapped out I should’ve known you’d be master and commander Maybe I’ll just drown myself But not in your water, I’ll find strength to swim away I’ll climb out of what you’ve made Maybe you’ll be the one left waiting in the water