“A broken heart, A broken man” By: PabloTBA T’was a quiet and beautiful night. We were staring into each other’s eyes, I love you I stated, I love you I cried, But you, you just set my feelings aside
That’s when the answer appeared before my eyes. You were a nice girl and I was a nice guy. I asked you “are we just to be friends for life?” You slapped me and anger was seen in your bloodshot eyes
I wasn’t stating that you owed me love or anything in life. My kindness to you was pure and it was no lie I was just asking you to think it through, For I was a guy who truly loved you.
With that you walked away from me. Leaving me in that balcony, broken hearted and empty. Then a strange feeling awaked in my mind. I started to despise nice girls like you who were beautiful and nice.
For nice girls like you give us nice guys hope, false hope that would leave you alone at night Her acts of kindness made you think she loved you, even a slight When she calls you just once, you check your call history with a big, wide smile But as hard as you try, you don’t forget the feeling you feel deep inside.
You know deep inside that she is just being kind For whoever is kind to you is also kind to everyone else, shouts your mind For if truth be a cruel mistress then, nice girls be a lie And finish last you will for you are a nice guy