When I was a child I filled the vacuum of ignorance with philosophies founded on a pebble or a dandelion seed In that time cats communed in slant-eyed syllables savored gossip of ghosts and goblins Outside time and space unborn souls lingered waiting for the call of conception to take them suddenly to a moment of birth When I leaned against a telephone pole I could feel tiny voices running inside the lines The earth rolled on. I knew I could feel it move when I lay in bed before sleep tumbling eastward spinning within the great circle of the year I knew the plane in which the sun moved I felt the spin of the Milky Way Only passenger on the Cosmic Carnival Ride I worried at infinity or pondered the history of rocks "You see, I see this thing here and I say it's green. You say it's green too, but how do we know it's the same color. I mean if I looked through your eyes would I call this thing red? How do we know? Maybe it's just a long time ago we decided grass is green and the sky is blue and because we all call this color green we think we all see it the same."
Infinity will always remain. Half of forever is still forever I prefer to sit facing the east looking to see what is to come.