there's nothing quiet like an el niño diet - which is what currently plagues this land -
binge... binge eating... up to 30 strawberries in one go...
straight out the fridge - eaten whole (inc. the calyx, penducle & epicalyx)...
did i say 30, in one standing?
simply drinking water to rehydrate after a heavy night of drinking is not good enough...
plus: concerns about the amount of meat eaten as closure to the drinking - and the respective... ahem... ****...
reinvigorating bowel movements...
washed them? nope...
as if any ravenous predator seeking satiation from flesh, sinew, marrow and cartilage...
eternal emblem of summer... and come to think of it, the strawberry's achene pressed upon my lips... must feel like what a woman would call kissing a man's cheek, "riddled" with stubble;
that's as trans-gender as you're going to get...
but god, what an awful day -
the day when a hard wooden floor became more appealing than a bed, more comfortable, and a stretched out hand with the bicep and tricep as a cushion for the head...
and then again laying flat - skull to wood, where somehow the gap between the occipital bone and the spine bound to the back wasn't bothersome...
if this heat continues for the next (supposedly) 16 days? and if i was rich enough? i'd think about doing a michael jackson in reverse.