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Nov 2012
Once there was wilderness,
Mad, irrepressible, scenes of rustic chaos,
Unhindered beasts trapezed,
Grand bounds into untethered existence,
Holding their own against many elements,
Interladen unified skulls,
Now become bleak and dashed,
Animalistically we strived for freedom,
The fundamentals of inquiry,
REQUIRE no mediation,
Beneath us lie the horrid gazes,
Noses scoffing from regulated clouds,
You’re in the middle,
Felt unable to ponder the mystery,
Left conditioned to always look out,
Blanketed in warm shelters and trinkets in hand,
Only through a Grand Decomposition,
Will we once more become unafraid,
Of the ties that be,
An answer to many lonesome sirens.
Wack Tastic
Written by
Wack Tastic
     Ember Evanescent
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