because how much of thinking, or rather: "thinking" is to do about being, and how much of it is to do with the matter of perception: in that, a reverse-perception, of appearance? seems the thespian insurrection has become paramount... totalitarian... but my god: does it really have to take grip of the depths of faking an ****** from a woman's perspective? watching a woman "fake" "it" makes mainstream movies look sinister compared to b-movies (namely hellraiser): and that's not indicative of anything bad about the movie - frankly - i can listen to the christopher young soundtrack, while falling asleep, on a(n) annum reel; of all the people in the world - rome: never reached us... the byzantines modified greek to inform the quasi-vikings of the ukraine through cyrillic... about... something less than the concept of an icon? given the ascribed veneration for, icons? and i was baptised into new romanic font... god only knows if "my" people used runes when they were not using, anything but the roman dicta... later bloomer, ugly duckling... but i'm among people who know the rigid roman thumb, either up, or down... still... the thespians, are starting to really, bug me... their complete infiltration of all of what composites a life... hmm... me? i'm of the shadow segment... because... hmm... i'm trying to mind what phonetic encoding (beside the norse encoding still preserved to memory) the slavs used... i "could" go, travel to america and stand on the shoreline of the grand canyon, with mouth agape like a scared macaque monkey... and yet... i'm already standing before a canyon, juxtaposing the big bang theory, certain years in a past calendar... but today?! proud boys exploring space... yet to be honest... we'll never, exactly "explore" time... only what we lost... and only what we gain as momentum into: through tomorrow - the blind eye seeking.