In a dark corner, pondering the state of the world as I write this, I take another drink drowning in this thing, the drink I mean opening my mind allowing me to see everything much more clearly for is this not what it does heals wounds, numbs the pain whilst killing you how ironic but I can't stop and I hate it such a dependence, thoughts much more attuned when intoxicated and alone and God how I love it, how I hate it I know I am weak I say with cigarette and drink in hand but it dulls the agony so why not why not there are those sober, suffering, judging at least I can admit it yes I admit it, I am weak I love music, drink, loneliness, drugs, misery I am most alive when I look out and see those in denial of the horror I know the truth, I know it is real I accept it my friend, this is what it is to be human inspiration I love the idea of peace, love, happiness but the entire world won't accept it so I drink I smoke I sit alone in a dark corner and ponder what if what would I be if humanity coexisted