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Jul 2018
"reality": as a "confusion"
   regarding overlapping freedoms -

well, there's no better way to
put it...
      not to me minding it otherwise...

marina o'loughlin's
   article in the sunday times'

july 1 2018 print
           almost, but not necessarily
bemused me...

something similar happened to "me":
i.e. my fwend...

       in an obscure part of the world
known as: the extended aspect
of London...
                  namely Ilford, Essex...

a car drove up to us,
   a: non-identity-politics-descriptive
jumped out and
laboured with: my fwends hands
for a (given today's statard)
   pretty much a mobility
telecommunications: brick...

maybe because it didn't happen
to me, but given i was
so close to the action
     i managed to
                 remember the numberplate
of the car, as it sped away...

and then the oddity
of having to engage in an impetus!
make someone write down
the numberplate,
             walk them to the police
station: and then report it...

the whole affair went to court...
   i sat in a police station looking
at mug shots...
    spotted the ******...
   (although, m'ah fwend couldn't,
which is why the case was
   won by the culprit) -

  funny to think of humanity
a noble idea
   of legal justice,
    like the divine causality of
holding an apple, releasing it,
and it falling to the ground...

the defendant's lawyer presented
me with a mug shoot mimic
        apparently my eyes lied to me...
i was not supposed to filter
through the list of mug shots of
other criminals...

       back when you had hardware
representations akin
to polaroid photos...
   so he shows me this photo,
     i can look at the ****-stirrer
sitting in the courtroom...
      but then: i notice that there's
a date on the photograph...

and it's circa 2 years in the least
in reverse...

  so i ask the lawyer a simple
          can you imagine a beard on
me in two years time?

oh i did spot the right ******
from the mugshot reel of examples...
human justice and: cheating...
   in court i had the ******
in my sight, but the defence was:
show the witness, of the ******,
taken 2 years prior...

i should be wearing glasses at this
point, or be propped up
by a walking stick,
   or a blind man's third "limb"...

you get the picture?
      justice, from a mouth of a human
               noble idea...
      but not a exact representation of
a plateau...
              ****! if all is to be brought
before the meta-phren...
                    everything is "nuance"...

so... an ode to marina o'loughlin:
i was there,
          at the expense of an english
            with three judges,
  a lawyer and a defendant...
              and i was the prosecutor with
but one question to mistake a defence...

     and i was overwhelmed with
   "being" wrong, on a subjective whim -
rather than an objective verdict!

     perhaps that's why i believe in a god
and can't, even for a remote second
believe there's a justice invoked by man...

oh **** me... early disney?
    boris brejcha:
                     art of minimal techno tripping -
the mad doctor...

          sober, high, or drunk -
   you can't even imagine the transcendent
value of early disney cartoons...

             unless coupled like that...

and no: i don't see god as a personal favour...
come to think of it -
  i believe in a scattering wind,
    over time - things... just don't account
to being personal...

             impersonality of a deity
is not even a monotheistic approach,
  matched to megalomania...

              to make summit (summary):
i too have seen theft...
             sat in a police station,
            identified the culprit...
   then stood in court...
                     and was denied "justice"
being passed...
on the argument that:
      a photograph, with a date,
        of a past,
                was not adequate
representation of the current visage
of the culprit...

   ergo? i probably need to see an optician,
or i need a prodding stick of a blind man...
of that man, serving "justice":
   is also, the man behind roulette
wheel in las vegas...

         justice isn't blind...
            it's just a subtle variant of gambling.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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