They could achieve their goal to make him feel quite sole. No one would be with him as he cannot cajole. He has an only aim which is his love aflame can lift up all those dear, while they all wish him shame. They've seen him as a foe who'll stop their lights to glow. He's come to take their gem. They will not it bestow.
He's thrown outside his house, a lonely star in space. It sends its rays around, but none will them embrace. Rejection's got its fate while their stars are elate; they gladly in one group their triumph celebrate.
Their stars are bright and glad, with merry robes they're clad. This is how he wants them though he's a thrown out lad. He has one Friend whose hand gave joy to all His land. All left Him quite alone though His love is so grand. That Friend's mind makes him sure that those whose hearts are pure won't mix with greys as hues as white's what they live for.