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Nov 2012
I know what it's like
To wake up in the middle
Of the night
Holding your own hand
So you don't feel alone
You hold it tight.

To walk alone
Through this life
Talking to your self
All night
Trying to fall asleep
You want to close your eyes
But your head keeps talking
Useless information
Clench your eyes
Trying to block it

Nothing seems to work
Cause you're just trying
To fight it
You don't want to give in
Because you just want to
Make right
And if
You did
And you won
And you got to sleep tonight
And if you woke up
Not crying
Then maybe you can deal
And this life is just right
Cause you defeated
Yourself thinking
But that was just one night
You have the rest of your life
To fight and keep fighting
You live in your memories
Present is the past
Pick up your right foot
You're not gonna settle
For dead last.
Juliette Elisa
Written by
Juliette Elisa  Ventura County, Ca
(Ventura County, Ca)   
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