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Dec 2023
If there is ever a time  I can be free
Then that time should be now.
I wanna be a tree in the wild
Sorrounded solely by my redolence.
i wanna be like the night bat
Free to roam the ethreal essence.
I wanna drink like a sailor
And read every line like a geek.
Like a breathtaken borned butterfly,
I'll dance samba in  the zithering zephyr
I wanna be  free; free to be me!
Jumb of a cliff and bounce on the cotton clouds

But these are just wishes
For every time i am awake
I'm trapped within these stuccoed walls.
I really wanna be free .
They say get better dont get bitter.
I'm working on switching them letters
They say pain hurts and fear hates..
I say pain strenghtens and fear draws faith
When am free i will wash away every doubt
I will take my time..Maybe this time.
A note to myself.
Henry Akeru
Written by
Henry Akeru  33/M/Lagos
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