subtlety: (sub-lately - just another phonetic unravelling of linguo und zee schticks!) /ˈsʌt(ə)lti/
if that's not the confined to an atomic phoneticism -
and the subatomic?
i don't know what is...
i always love to meet with the taoists... given that i'm continually prodding...
because only someone interested in phonetics would mind the three languages spoken within, one...
the one written: subtlety... the one spoken: subtle-tee and the one allowed a science (with hints of the anithesis of copernican accents): /ˈsʌt(ə)lti/...
although the thing with bilinguals... well... they're not exactly polyglots...
i'll wriggle out of this one too... my mannerisms are left intact... and i'll beg to not provide a genetic conundrum continuum... **** for the genes? might as well **** on a grave... in all honesty...
in the now, and out of each and every instance as example... to exchange the parallels of mortality... ******, expect this ******* to be hyperbolic or on the trigonometric side of "exposing" the tangens?
and when i really laugh i don't actually know what i'm laughing about... silence, apparently, is hardly a joke... but an unconscious impetus to be thrilled in the engagement? people give off half-estimates as to what a sparrow's heart looks like, caged in a human body...
but there are three languages spoken within just one... the memory errosive acid of spelling and spelling mistakes...
forget the *** i've been to a ******* and it's not exactly all neon wet lips and a blank limp **** either...
1 language = 3 interpretations...
the scholastic, i.e. the grammar nazis... the phonetic: i.e. can i walk past this fog and say and write as i might think? then 3. /ˈsʌt(ə)lti/...
where, the ****, is copernicus?! up what side, to down, through to hieroglyphics? should have been born within the zoology of cyrillic and actually lived, a "life".
n.b. ever drank a beer while hang-over and sense... mmm... molten butter... eh?