/mainly because the study of chemistry is, surd "optional"; i.e.: you never really mind to think of Ar as argon... given the organic chemistry maps of a travelling electron: no wonder! my last refuge... ugh... poetry.
come to think of it... it's beyond me how a single word, can invoke a sense of power...
when dissected into syllables...
van-dal... or bul-gar...
because the usual, formal punctuation aside... you're left with a language that's: elemental...
and not, subatomic doing baby steps of minding the alpha-beta mentality of continually deconstructing / reducing (deconstructive-reductionists):
realising that: there really isn't a void... that nature doesn't exactly waste... a sun is recycled into a black hole...
before the gods might speak through me... let the ancients chime unison in choir...
base root, luminous cradle... the dirt behind my fingernails as i dug out an archaic bed, to wed the sparrow to death, and a life: that became this future, of a recurrent thought.
i know what a linguist is... mostly the natives... digging into a cul de sac of the inherent, given...
so... moving along... it's not exactly a juggling act with bilingualism... but so much less of a headache compared to the bisexuals...
that being said: people avoid dialectics like they avoid fire -
vector subsequently coordinate dissoance? frivolous... the word: god...
i see the sound... never mind the letter arrangement; that's always been secondary... which is why i'm so trivial, pithy(?) expressing my disdain on par with: ???????????????????????????????????? typos! (? = that's how long it took me to untangle the crossword of my vocab. memory, grave - inclined to suggest ditto)
can't blame a hunchback for procreating up-right children... but at least you can teach some of them to... bow (bough) - only in english can this be spectated... the subtlety: that how-wow... minus a barking rottweiler... in a missing "tooth" - subscript... if this pixel platrom could allow me... i'd write in a subscript A into the sort of bow i insinuate.