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Jun 2018
Just in case
its been miss communicated.

Are government
Has been heavily underestimated.

And unless you chose
to become acclimated.

And let you mind become

While each generation
is more uneducated.

Just a dying breed
being *******.

Cops stories being fabricated.

That's why they are becoming abominated.

Its all a story that's been fabricated.

What is that me
I've been duplicated

I'm not talking cartoons
My cells have been fabricated

From money that's been allocated.

To companies that have become conglomerated.

While there CEO'S
are greatly compensated.

They keep us all checkmated.

By making our jobs automated.

With machines making jobs eliminated.

And our wages are all but dissipated.

They try to keep us alienated.

Why our lives are infiltrated.

They know whether or not what we drink is decaffeinated.

All are privacy has been decimated.

Thanks to technology that has been created.

But just as all things can be hated.

We the people our power can be demonstrated.

Before we become annihilated.

By those who keep us alienated.

Why their plan is becoming accelerated.

Taking our freedom
its confiscated.

Adding chemicals to our foods keeping minds contaminated.

Our minds our manipulated and  captivated.

As bombs detonated cause innocent to be devastated.

Can't you see us so frustrated.

Its time for them to be investigated.

All mighty companies  to be separated.

So all companies can be family orientated.

It was we the people when we became declarated.

But we gave our freedom away
To become isolated.

Its time to stand up
Its time to be liberated.

Before they make us all medicated.

Take my words as ye will
I may be opinionated.

But heed my warning
Its all being orchestrated.

Our end is prefabricated.
Our civilization will be eradicated.

Unless we become reeducated.

And those behind it all are eliminated.

Richard B Shick
Written by
Richard B Shick  48/M/Daytona Beach
(48/M/Daytona Beach)   
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