I drew the map to reveal consequence of the years representing the result of a track across strange lands look to the dustbin of the past to see the sketch I put aside now the diagram fully accounts for the blend that is my own
the journey seemed per-ordained tradition asked for its due requested template as a plan the rails were laid by others’ hands this declaration instructed me a legend asking acquiesce to the standards forever set for the bearings and self hood
the north arrow pointed up orientation normalized towards the heavens of the saints the forefather’s high mandate there were rebels offering choice on the sidelines of path well worn I turned the pointer to instruct the choice made for some of both
the citations came through chants mantras stated once a week these obliged me to genuflect explanations filled my head I sought to state another course the source achieved through Ram Dass look to the East instead of West if you seek my religious source
the last came in latter years a title put to gender’s stamp the binary giving ground relenting under dreams’ advance direction took a turning twist yet there I found my destiny not without company the map complete in its remake
now you see the end result though large parts are still blank discovery will by my guide to pen the rest before I die complete with notes scribbled in ‘there be monsters lurking there’ I’ll not worry because I know the journey is the road I’ll show.
A busy schedule, and the need to sleep, conspired together to keep me from posting on a particular day. The solution? I bookmarked the topic in my mind and then wrote a poem the next day. I suppose it was worth the wait as the poem had a lot to say!