there are four blues in every Crayola crayon set: Cornflower Wild Blue Yonder Periwinkle and Midnight Blue – the deepest and the darkest
but still not deep enough never dark enough
Midnight Blue cannot engulf Cornflower Cinderella in bone-chilling dread as she performs her mythical meltdown bent over the Wild Blue Yonder fountain no Periwinkle constellations are reflected in her existential tears and the Night is not saturated enough with black depth to seep like molasses into the cracks of her pupils
because I’ve been awake at midnight– through the screen of my own foggy tears I’ve gazed deep into the bitter, bloodthirsty eyes of the Night swallowing my window
real Midnight Blue glows eerily at the touch of a Cotton White moon coats trespassers in crisp cold loneliness but the wanderlust in a penetrative warmth boils in the throats of the lost the wistful and the guilty ebbs and flows through the fissures of the broken and gouges out the sweet innocent hearts