Next to her silks petticoats my mother’s brown stocking lay there on the bed: on the iron board was her Crispy iron Sunday dress, on the dresser was her favorite perfume and talcum powder. And this meant only thing it was Sunday morning service:
This morning I remember her routine, I never got into the habit of the military habits My free will soul would never allow it:
I remember passing the Police exams As I was about to go for my training My mother discourage me from going She based it all on my small petite figure
Her exact words: you think you can fight Off those big men: Those criminals out there In the big streets.. I never got to prove her wrong So, I turn down the police academy recruit training:
And trade in a trip to South America in nineteen eighty three: I remember that last night before I got on America Airline
My last old year’s night party at the Hilton Hotel, The loud music, the co-workers, and there I was with Mixed emotions of being Happy and Sad:
I wish they had a word for being happy and sad at the same time because that's what I feel every time I was with him: my other true love< E.B I still have that **** gold and black spaghetti straps dress I wore that night, each time I fallen back To my old habits.. I would take it out and take One more look at it…and whisper my past And ask myself why I am holding on to this Dress for so long: we didn’t had the internet or the Bajan tube To look back on: but by seeing that dress. I saw the younger me With vivid moments of happiness, and bad decisions:
Today I lay here in my bed with my memories As I divided them in happiness and sadness sections Have I proceed with my plans in law enforcement Would I be alive today to write this poem Have I not attended the office party Would the scars of that night still frets me At each place, in time some of us stop To picked a rose, or even smell a rose That why I love this quote:
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: ‘It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.’, Anne B...
because, it have seem like I have made some loser that was in my life seem important: Did I do it for him or for me? Now that is the question..