brocoli rob smoke the hemp the day after that mechanical man Al Gore took the stand I couldn't cry over Bourdain tried to see what he was up to next but it was too late a Chinese man was in the alley taking a *** *** just after elder Bush touched some bush he gets in trouble again this time was his friend Dan Quayle in drag the truth can hurt at times so refined never second guessing I'll start professing a good cause to come clean living in a land of mean
Bourdain was for Bourdain so why should we complain the guy was totally insane taking his own life for the sake of what ? you make me want to throw up in mouth mouth blame, ***** & pout the beautiful thing is when the fat lady sings but sorry it still isn't over then got fish for frying and i'm not lying environmental sound like Dan Quayle in a gown stick it to the man who once said,"Yes We Can"! more drama for your momma in comes homeboy Obama Trump is busy working with the wall trying to stand up ten feet tall Cold **** sorry that I missed a sacred kiss with a hero in our mist.