There are things which, If I tried to explain them to you, You would reserve further false judgment that I could not explain away with words.
You seem to be resigned to looking down on me
You seem to be adamant that I haven't thought this through already
Why can't you be more open, like me? I know only so much questioning is worth doing, But you don't see the things you are missing with me.
I am not the worst at lying, and I try to only do that when I have to.
But I am really bad at telling the truth, without seeming like I am lying, when I have been accused.
I don't even want to have to explain it to you, Because you are already a bitter fact of human life, And I can't change you.
And when you ask me to explain and I do, I do not approve of what you have to say anyway.
But I keep humbly quiet and ruminate your blessing for me, and I bet you don't suppose I do it.
You have dealt such great blows to my life. Some that I feel were utterly harsh and unnecessary. Your dealings with me have been cold, callous, and really rather unfortunate.
You make it so difficult, but I have learned to love it, to find myself with beautiful form in any situation
And I am trying not to look too long in disgust at myself before I find myself there.
I wonder why you don't seem to question the ultimate results of your assumptions like I do, but only in moments Because I know life is open ended I can imagine a world where that isn't so important to a person.
I find it nearly impossible to make a bad judgment, because at any turn I can see how I could be mistaken.
I have been such a fool, though always self-critical, but I am not the only one who has ruined my balance.