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Nov 2012
Why did you shut me out?
You said I don't talk to you enough,
          But how do I keep a conversation going...
                    when the only response I get is "cuz" and "k"?

What did I do to lose you in my life?
You're my father biologically;
          You use to be my father physically as well.

Our conversations...
          "How are you?"..."I'm good. You?"..."k"
You helped raise me for god sake,
                    And I feel more a stranger to you than the guy down the street.

I have longed to have you back in my life;
          The way things use to be.
"Lets go throw a football" turned into hours of fun.
          Now I get a smile on my face when you wave to me while we drive...
           opposite directions...

I bet you couldn't tell me what's new in my life-
Maybe you stopped caring...or maybe she won't let you care.
Sad part is that either way you're allowing it.

I keep being told that you're losing out by not being there.
You've already missed my graduation and surgery...
          What's next?
I''m losing out on the time I could be spending with you.

How many baseball games have we missed going to?
          Or even just sitting down and talking.
I'm not asking for least I don't believe I am.

A child should be allowed to want their father in their lives.
I've had to learn how to grow up without you now.
All the bike rides, talks, games played have been filed away,
          In the past...
                              ...where my dad truly is...
Morgan Hillhouse
Written by
Morgan Hillhouse
     Hawa, ---, ---, Timothy and Hilda
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