Why am I so helpless Like why am I like this My life is just a ******* mess And I’m not sure if it’s one I can fix
The thoughts have been more often Thoughts of it all just ending But writing is here to soften Me and that hand I told to be lending
How can these days be so hard I do not understand In life I guess I didn’t play the right card Or maybe I was just dealt a terrible hand
I have never been more depressed Than I am now at this moment I tried to keep it suppressed But I have decided to own up to it
I just was wanting to open up To those who might care Or those who might have has enough And maybe all they to do is share
Awareness to where I am mentally but I should let everyone know I am doing well now, these were thoughts I had bottled up for about a year and I just didn’t know what to do however in the end I am alright don’t worry Much love