We are not talking about the games jusy now We are looking at the entire future of earth And myself the meeting thats just been held Far as I can see has very little so far worth
Nothing has happened yet but a lot of talking The rockets they still exist as they did before Along with a lot of signing and hand shakes I would not take all above for granted for sure
One does not count the chicken before they hatch I learned as much when I first read Henny Penny I think this could well be .. more about Trump And a real time .. I'm better by far than any
Trump does not run the Pacific or Australia The war games should continue as intended I feel a mud pie is on the way hope I'm wrong No way the war games should be suspended
I simply see not all appears as it might to be And this being Trumps I'm the greatest yet This is not in any way come what may A game of tennis over finished game match set