When people ask me to tell them about myself to tell them who I am I always tell them I’m not good in that, to just ask me what they want to know but actually I just don’t know I just don’t know who I am who am I? I just want someone to say to me I see who you really are but how could anybody say that when I don’t even know who I am anymore I always wanted to be that girl I used to be the one who always laughed but now I don’t know if that was ever true people think I’m that girl now but it’s just an act it’s just because I don’t want to be the person who always isn’t oke the person they worry about I really feel alone because I just can’t talk to anyone about these things I need to talk about soo much and to take the mask off to let the real feelings out but it just goes natural as If my real feelings are fake and the fake ones real