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Jun 2018
No time left for art
As the worker bees descend on the sun's rays
Dereliction of duty breeds insecurity
Allowing the conveyor belt to move
Our greatest hopes rely on the wallet
And not the gentle stroke of the brush

The sword of literature and design sheathed
As machines dominate our minds
Destiny of redemption lying in wait
As we inhale the sourness of greed
No fate too unfathomable for idealism
Perhaps no fate at all for pragmatism

Alas, no time left for art
The conveyor belt pushes forward
Transcending individual furnishing
And descending into the darkness of want
Complete injustice for need
I decided to talk about the topic of culture, and how the importance of art and literature has seemingly become a repugnant talking point. An absence of individualism, are we simply cogs in a machine?
Written by
Alfred Podolski  25/M/Indiana, USA
(25/M/Indiana, USA)   
       Thomas P Owens Sr, --- and ---
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