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Nov 2012
Number 1:
He's got beautiful dimples and the most wonderful smile I've ever seen... Like, ever. Library guy. Talked to him for like 5 minutes, but I'd relive those 5 little minutes any day. I don't really know him, but I'd like to get to know him. Only problem is that we never seem to be in the same place at the same time.

Number 2:
We are so alike. It's almost scary! We're into the same kind of things and seem to get each other. We tried and it didn't really work, but I believe that the feelings are still there. Only problem is that  he's got a girlfriend and he's head over heels for her.

Number 3:
We've known each other for like.. Ever. I've always liked him. Through every little crush, every little fling, I've never stopped thinking about him. He's beautiful. Drop.Dead.Gorgeous. He's smart. He's talented. But all he wants is to be popular and he often loses himself. Only problem is that everyone else feels the same way about him.

Which problem would I like to solve?
Written by
amt  Ohio
   Ayesha Khan
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