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Jun 2018
It's a fantasy I've had more than once
after hours, everything is dark
but I can still feel you with my fingers
and you find me with yours
lips barely parted against your face
my tongue runs along the edges of your mouth
offering an invitation

I grab you by your collar to pull you into me
with steady hands I unbutton your shirt
and kiss every freckle as I uncover it
each press of my lips down your torso
leading me further down
pleading with hungry eyes
begging permission to taste you

I'd lap at the droplets of precome
tease you with the warmth of my mouth
through the fabric of your underwear
I'll run my hands up your body
and down your length
take you into my mouth and
taste you at the back of my throat

then straddle you in your chair
feel you hard against me
but my fantasy breaks
and I stare stupidly at you
fully clothed and we're making small talk
both pretending we care about the weather
or how the jets won that big game last night...
Written by
Arke  30
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