not exactly not inclined to venerated barbarism, hardly hesiod rabbanical of being within the confines of computer literate american "acronym" of C-U-L8ER... but of course... the many bab-excused to cumlimante in a Belshazar's feast warning... what's what... wriggly-and-squiggly? or just wriggly-and-pakistani? because my lover might speak a landay... i, my head: the world can turn to cruel joke and a churn of regurgitated ashen podiums with bone riddles worth of culminating in violins... in words there always being the never applicable objects to suit mind... americans speak a language littered with acronyms: not the english i'm familiar with... not the english i want to associate with either... but it's certainly not the sort of english in puritan acronym of what the english devolved into... akin to the example of: C-U-L8ER... hope much sooner... as soon, as you're dead.