the "mystery" of the transaction, that's quiet legal in Amsterdam... you can only actually subject a woman to "your" object... if you're never made such a transation... i guess you're left in the dark with all the fungus-historians that speak of the second "big-bang" of an ape on hallucinogenics... objectifying women... funny... not even funny, just odd... maybe the whole objectivity "vs." subjectivity is not being allowed duality, that eventually becomes blurry... and is instead this jargon quasi-intellectualism of people afraid of Alzheimer's disintegration of words from words and words from ideas and ideas from clarifying idea-neutral narratives... perhaps it's an american thing, since a stripper can't be made subject to the "objectifying" posit... make that's why there's really only an objectification-of-object and no, absolutely no subjectification-of-object-***-subject? is objectification a reference to genital "intrusion"? what if there is no genital "intrusion"? ******* crossword puzzles that sometimes aim of exposing working within the confines of the thesaurus... a-subject made inconvenient by the-object? sure, given i was only the fifth in line... i actually don't know what objectivism implies with the confines of a woman who will not desire to make me into a subjective enterpire of, mothering, wife... and... what am i again? object of an hour within the absolute lack of subject on her behalf... for some strange reason she's more of a subject, a canvas... than i might allow myself to not be a stroke of a brush and some, paint... but then public conversation doesn't attach itself to the intellectual murk of dualism: it needs dichotomy... nice backdrop, a week ago: haven't seen a lightning storm like that acting out parliament over london in a long time... in the back of my mind: the subjectivism of women seems inherently wrong... subjectifying could be deemed more harroring for the idle minor-head when turning blisters into golden flakes on the topic of ego body \ / \ mind id cosine serpent... given the sine serpent answer: id mind / \ / body "ego" i can only fathom a threshold of the point of objectification... after the threshold there's a breach of objects - unlike a guarantee of one man, a hammer and a sack of nails... i'm just curious that there is an actual legal non-debate taking place... the sort of shrinking **** sensation in english law: it's illegal to own brothels... but it's not illegal to procure the act... so what's the difference between objectification and necrophilia? the former word isn't as fancy... it's not exactly equivalent to mana from heaven for the Hibrealites... i can only undertand authentic objectification as confined to necrophilia... of what is necessary to express the crude correlation of "fact" to act... since then the death-fore of eating beef... but without actually ******* a cow... so a dead end... it's just a "problem" with too many close-proximity words... namely the ob- sub- prefix claustrophobia of attaching a thought to explaining or: guaranteeing a decided congregation on... 2 years without having touched a human body in the way that i'd like to be touched, kissed, looked intently into the eyes... finding sparrows chirping on gently toying with lips using the bare minimum of tongue and teeth? finding the gentle baron cartilege of the nose also being gentle leeched... and a giggle? just my luck to have synchronised the two events... and written this a week later; could never take to metaphorical *** antics in the known to me expressions of being *** starved; i'm a butcher... not an Argentinian beef chef or food critique combined.