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May 2018
When I get on gravity seems lazy.
I jump and jump till I forget about my stress, my surroundings, my anxiety.

I wish I felt this free on land
But the overpowering thoughts make one feel like they’re sinking in quicksand.

When my whole body is in the air,
I can imagen myself with wings.
I do tricks I could never do on land until it hurts my limbs.

I lay down and feel the woven material.
I am separated from this awful world by the mosquito net exterior

While I’m laying down I look up at the grey sky and what’s beyond it the stars the planets more then what meets the eye I feel a raindrop on my thigh

My face turns blue I know it’s time to go when I start to get off I can already feel my sorrow
Written by
Dannab  14/F
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