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May 2018
The movies we watch
You know the ones
where we cry, dream of bonds
of dads and their sons
of mothers and daughters
of old flames and laughter
It makes us feel better
A tear to the eye
A scene hits home
we pretend its hay-fever
or tirdeness
wiping without being noticed
or at least trying without pulling it off
for 105 minutes we are in a trance
not addicts or failures,not alone nor poor
We are away
We dream it's us up there
We dream we can change
Be the hero
just emotion
i can do it , i'm sure
we can be rich, we can succeed we can be blessed
there is reprieve , there is a hope there is a glimmer
oh no its the credits , i cant deliver
i cannot win
i cannot love
i'm not a saviour
yes I'm stuck
no happy ending
no big weddings
no straights A's
that's story telling
we are the film
we are the director
the hater
the critic
the heckler
we can make amends
we will be better
we will be theΒ Β movie
and live happy after
Written by
ian macleod  36/M/uk preston lancashire
(36/M/uk preston lancashire)   
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