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May 2018
We met
at the station
a few online conversations
no more,no less
but no hesitation
i sat
felt nervous
the train cranking careless
we pull in
the nerves kick in
what if , i think
but then i blink
i see you, you see me
we smile
we gaze
14 months later
our look hasn't changed
held hands in the city
it felt right
it rained, we laughed
we drank, we giggled
as if lovers for years
it's been minutes but I've known you an eternity
as if old flames meeting up after years
we went back
made love
hugged each other to sleep
we'd found what we needed
the crave we'd be dreaming of
a one day date turned into a 3 day date
unheard of
absurd of
full of love
we should have known better
we paid a price
we are stuck for life
here together
one day husband and wife
we love being stuck, we love the price
we love each other
we are just right
i am yours
forever more
i love you stace
i wish i was more.
Written by
ian macleod  36/M/uk preston lancashire
(36/M/uk preston lancashire)   
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