cats escape the human hand, and allow a petinent relief with making altar with shadows, attached to body; cats... are no longer senile, domesticated marionettes... two sorts of people died in Auschwitz... one was the jew, the second was the german... i can fathom the former being revived... the latter? hardly... within those years the german made closure as being endowed with music... to revive a sense of reading the braille of the winds... with these years the german made closure, and the jew took to forgetting 2000 tier history... marionettes.... marionettes.... russian matryoshkas... harrowing the immediate medium of kept: "luck", in the sieving of the lost years... and a clinging gong: hollow bell... hollow bell... hohlglocke... a zeppelin aparon... bruderliebe... by what pain was the jew excluded from europe? the summary of faked snow... in the pedagogy of england, i became german... and come, wished for a politics of "identity"... ich bin: gemein! vandale! zunge-nein-albert-hafen! we are, a list of 20th century dates, burrowing youth, to be made: rekindled.