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May 2018
I woke up with you stretched out next to me
The sun warm on our bodies
Wearing very little
We did Italian impressions all night
You taught me a thing or two about lights
Told me to watch this movie, that
Look into color theory
I stopped in moments just to quietly revel.

I love tension
I'm the queen of ***
I like to flirt, bat my eyes
Anything is a prospect
But I need real connection
I need love
I want to be worshipped.

I like to dream up plans
And I like to see those plans come to fruition
I think quietly of how
A blue bird hummed my way
Only to use the most basic of language
To go, to not stay
So I let you fly.

I feel happy in Chicago
Most of the time
Nearly about to embark on my four year anniversary
I try to make time
I hope for time
I stretch myself far and hard
I want so much
Every task that I complete
10 more pile up.

I delegate and I pinpoint
I dream and I strive to fight to be kind
I miss having someone steadfast in my corner
But oh, at least I have experienced it
And I will again
And he will stay.

My mama is also real sad
And that brings me a quiet unease
I want to see her live well too.

Papa be well
Mama be well
We live out our lives
If I wasn't secretly so sad so often
What kind of artist would I be anyway
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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