I was on my way from one place to another Within an aged hopital one day And as I did I could not but hear Will someone give me anything to take the pain away
I turned I looked and saw a once dedicated mother Who had raised a family now just dumped in here I walked over to her took her head in my hands And kissed her as she'd not been for many a year
The look of pain vanished and replaced by a smile Saying softly oh I've not been kissed like that Looking into my eyes whispered anther please Of such I can not within remember or I'll eat my hat
I kissed her once again as this angel earned the right To be appreciated for all she'd done for home family She lay back with a smile closed her eyes gently The pains all gone now dear one how I thank thee
On the way back her bed was empty i asked how come They said she just passed away smiling ever so They don't have drugs that can do that anymore Walking away with tears in eyes and no pain to go