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May 2018
So just like that
You too,
Came and went
From the flurry of lights
The hand holding over food
Little kisses shared
The way we snuggled
Our bodies melting like butter.

You were great to me in the end
You were horrible to me in the end
I opened the door so wide
So ajar
Watched it slam shut on you as you went.

I can see you now
With your data
Your numbers
The blue eyes I was allowing myself to worship
I wrote you poems into the sky
As you led me through a field
And left me there
Entertaining yourself
With your own insecurity
Your own might.

I owe you nothing now
I swooned into my own hurricane
I define myself through my love
My own love
My work
My friendships.

I slept straight through
Waking up comforting myself
No real tears to spare.

At least it was short lived
Through the moments you called me babe
Or just recently moaned my name

You too
You too
And I watched you go.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
   Elle H
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