A faceless woman Not that being faceless is desired but the difficulty to conceal the pain that's within hadn't I been faceless you would see right through me When pain spreads out chance to be exposed to a shrewd eye an eye that's oblivious to see the truth
Am I to blame for my calamities? My walk, my body Are to be blamed? Why judge me so harshly? brought fiends upon myself?
Could it have been myself that suffocated cornered myself in a dark room with fear, no strength to howl? I just wanted it to end wanted it to stop the eager to turn back time why could it have been me?
Broken inside desperately need you to hear echoes of my cry but i'm scared I will to be blame Deprived to cry out loud, Voice out my heart, my mind is as far as I can cry out for help i'm scared, scared of shrewd eye that's oblivious to see the truth even more scared to let my own truth out