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May 2018

I just got back from over seas saved some money
Bought myself a lovely home in a lovely place
Heaps of room to plan a garden landscaped too
From home down to the road simply loads of space

Never took long next door to find I lived alone
Still young retired army rank just bought the home
A good cook house keeper too no way skin and bone
Planting flowering trees gardens loved them as grown

Up on my second floor padio stars they shone at night
Sitting there peace in freshest air beyound compare
A few beers salami watching the world go slowly by
Then I heard a yell from below is anybody there

I walked down opened front door suffering pole cats
The moonlight shone through all she there wore
A sight a retired major was not used to seeing true
I can't really remember but I think I may have swore

She said with wine under one arm a kind of welcome
And as it goes I'm right out of suger too by the way
Thought I might **** two birds with the same stone
Give a little get a little as my mother used to say

I said come in sit down your from next door right
She crossed her legs then changed her comfort there
I was enjoying a cigar at the time loved the wine
But almost choked on both gasping for some for air

It was I suppose a hot night but I wear more to bed
She asked you ok I always dress this way when hot
My God and this lived next door my mind boggled
I said well sugar must say I do have such a lot

Out of her bag another two bottles of wine came
And not of the cheaper brand to say the least
From the refrigerator I got a dish of salami
Oh I love this stuff i'll stock up for a feast

They say angels have a sense of humor might be
A blackout all lights gone the music player too
Or maybe a couple of mates I lost over seas
Some of them always playing jokes so true

Came over and sat next to me love this leather
No lights and never could handle real good wine
I think she had a tollerance re this situation
Whispered I live alone one thing I have is time

Goodness I'd been away now for a six year stretch
I came here for well earned peace of mind
I thought to myself won't get much of that tonight
And besides beautiful she was ever so very kind

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Written by
terrence michael sutton  76/M/Philippines
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