Some days are crazy and I can get overwhelmed Caught up in the flood and demands of my life My patience wears thin and I’m a bit on edge Sometimes I feel like I’m standing on a ledge But you remind me of your presence at all times in my life You are steady when my world is spinning round and round I cling to you like a drowning man does a rope I run to you and in your arms I find there is hope Some days when I think about you I get overwhelmed Overwhelmed by your great love for me Overcome by wonder and awe at your greatness and power That you create the universe and the littlest flower When I think upon your sacrifice it overtakes me No greater love than this than to lay down one’s life for a friend To image you call me friend after all I have done But in your love for me you sacrificed your own son When I come before you in the Eucharist I receive your body and blood Heaven meets Earth in marriage consummated And there in my body new life is created You overwhelm and satisfy my soul And yet in my humanity I often look down Help me draw my gaze to your loving eyes To focus on you and my ultimate prize