it's hard to even think,
with a world, happening...
es ist hart zu sogar denke,
mit ein welt, ereignis:
****** german,
schloß perfectum avert zunge!
as many indefinite articulations
of a definite article
in german, as there is none,
in English, as there are
over-definite articulations
of the definite article...
in a- -theism...
or rather, humanity,
without shortscript,
or riot or grafitti...
can pass ******
german grammar,
is speaking native English,
apparently the Sax. connection
wasn't born dzindzer
(ginger, Konrad) -
graphemes and surds,
the Jerusalem bias
based on th 5am Salat...
the plurality of being
in a / the world...
what happens
doesn't necessarily happen...
imagine the counter
of speeding up to the use of colour...
anschluss die benutzen farbe...
with the annexation,
via a criterium of a "certainty"
of word usage, with,
immediate, applicability to counter,
non-form predispositionability...
which is a francocounter von, -ness...
beschißen kreuzwort...
the world "happens",
I yawn...
"I" yawn...
the Bolshoi centipede
breaks it's limbs
pretending to be Ottomans
laying siege to Constantinople
when investing
in a crowd of Madison Sq.
for guessing
at... singling out...
authentic non-sycophantic
sooner finding
a bow sliding on hair
off a head imitating
a cello torso than...
finding America
in a tin of sardines,
simultaneously claiming
to be a reincarnation of
the tsunami of water...
and the tsunami of man...
you can only thank god
for a cameo slot
some 100 years post mortem.