why even attack, slyly creep under or even parasitical nibble at a figurine that in 100 years will ( gain impetus akin to an Alexander the Great... ? a joke of a surname... ) when you have all the grey areas of an erwin lambert to mind... the joke that was ****** that became the mythological romance akin to Attila... the congested mouth of human history, lacerated, cancerous, tooth-rot and a tongue of gangrene, nothing, but theatre, surviving; give it 100 years... and no sooner the moths that might agitate the flame... but all they grey-mass-in-between... ihre vater, die "wenigscherz"... how these children sum up the evil in one but man... peddlestooled into the lime from the cameo... dictator helpless before dictatorial mass of bureucrats... hier! hier ihre eisenvorhang! break the rank of the patron of bureucrats (herr Kant)... and place the sztylet of Brutus, with a semi-patricide scorn into... a nail within the hanging frame of a dandy crux... a feeling akin to: castrating a pedegree Alsatian: shining teeth... pumped teeth... impersonal the gnashing... most of the time i imagine myself reincarnated in a theatre of a castrated rottweiler... making stretched-clown-masks from strangers' skins of childrens' faces... just for kicks... mind you... apparently the N.S.A. has all the personal data briefing whether or not... i'm jihadi material... or just a fantasist / fetishist... good to know that even I, do not have knowledge, of a minority report; must have whisked passed me on a feline whim of teasing a whisker before a fetish for: leisuring a Mexican in cleaning a dilemma's worth of a paw; prepare th mince... an obese exhibit with Alzheimer's... during warfare, war dogs & dogs require the most contaminated meats, to add to their expected ferociousness... ha ha... the Nazis didn't insaminate their subjects with feline *****? why is Frankenstein so pale... and transgenderism, so, norm?