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May 2018
Is this insecurity?
I tell this friend of mine
We are unfolding the papers
the tight papers of my mind

(I am afraid of the paper now
it brought me once so much pain.
Was I in pain before
or was it brought by the page?)

Is this insecurity
seeking you with a muddy mind
tangling everything I find
taking the happiness from my bite
Misreading cues
and making it all look foul

What is this
No good
There's nothing I can do
But wait and see
It will show
if I was right
or sadly wrong

But it does lie in me
I gotta pull it out
Learn to live with it
"It had never bothered me
till now"

I went with the insecurity
and the fear hand in hand
until I crashed
everything was upside down
I just ****** up

Only if you are mine
the way I am
because I fell too deep
this I do feel
but this is love gone wrong
this is blackness, this is not me
but a shard
of the broken parts
Courtney O
Written by
Courtney O  27/F/Madrid
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