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May 2018
Once upon a time there was a word named Like, which was used to describe either resemblance or affection. Like was very happy with its likeness, and everybody liked it just about as much as it should be liked, and not too much more.

One day as Like was just liking around minding its own business, somebody noticed how likeful it was Like and said: “Hey, Like, can we use you, Like, more?” And Like was all Like: “…” And from that moment the word Like became used in the most unlikely fashion. Everybody started using Like more often when they spoke, basically Like whenever and wherever they wanted to use it: Like became overliked.

Like didn't Like being overliked because all the extra likeness slowly made it forget the original Like, Like the things Like liked and the way Like had always been Like. Eventually everybody overliked Like so much that Like completely forgot who it was Like and stopped being Like itself altogether. Like got so likeable that it in turn started liking itself as the new Like. Soon enough it started overliking being liked and likewise overliking being the new Like, and came to Like the attention so much that it couldn't get enough Likes. So little by little Like started controlling what everybody said, until every sentence had to have so many Likes in it that it was Like practically the only thing Like anybody ever said. And anybody who Like didn’t Like to use Like as much as Like wished to be used was Like punished with not having anything interesting to Like say.

So everybody used Like out of Like fear of the likelihood of being Like punished and Like in order to stay liked by Like and keep Like saying interesting things, until Like became Like literally Like the only Like thing Like anybody Like ever Like said and Like...

Like became GodLike.
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