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May 2018
Through time I began to notice that the phone calls got shorter. That the texts became more vague. I saw the ocean between us pry us apart and take my heart out to shore with it. With her long blonde hair and striking personality i watched your eyes fall in love with the ocean and forget about me. I watched you admire her through all of her tides and waves. I watched the ocean lure you in so far that you began to drown. You were gasping for air and i watched from the shore unable to figure out what was happening. I watched as the lifeguards desperately try to find you in the water unable to locate your water-filled body. I saw your floating corpse out in the sea and lost track of where the ocean took you.
Ash Wilhelm
Written by
Ash Wilhelm  17/F/Atlanta, Georgia
(17/F/Atlanta, Georgia)   
     --- and julie
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