A big old tree as naked As a big old tree can be~ Standing in the red sand Away out where everything is free~ Tumble weeds they lay about And everything is still~ The sky all the same shade of blue And only a slight breeze it moves at will~ But life out here does exist The lizards and the likes~ Nothing moves much during the day They all come out at night~ The nights they are as cold as sin And the days are as hot as hell~ And the desert sands change all the time Away out here where white man couldn't dwell~ Only the Aboriginee can survive In a place that's often as hot as boiling fat~ For only they know how to live In a land that could burn your hat~ Away out here in this arid land Where water is as good as nil~ Little food and little shelter here Where a man can soon lose his will~ The Australian Simpson Desert A land that knows no care at all~ Not a place to be alone and unprepared Many have died here trying not to fall~