there i lie in a dream of another awake, action, fear, loss, heartache, goals, creation, religion, ideas everything that i was feeling, doing was inside the dream of another every thought i thought was a thought i had heard from another body that was in this dream this dream is built on every single person these famous words are spoken by the people who walk upon this dream this dream, written by society but what is society? a dream? i lie still in this dream i have zero control on how i would like to dream its like my hand my feet my soul is a puppet of the mastermind i dream of a dream i would like to live in but as my eyes open i feel myself in the presence of another i am lucid dreaming in society how can i collect myself as just myself and not part of this dream this dream is making me a madman, insane, i want to rip my hair out to the thought of thinking like another walking upon the dream of society because this dream is crazy if you think about it wouldn't we all like to be placed in a different world a different society a different dimension our minds seek more yet we are confined by this dream controlled yet we all don't have a single clue but thats what drives me crazy no ones conscious no ones risking stepping out of this dream no one is because how? to control a dream that is not in your own mind is simple impossible