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May 2018
You stepped out into
You went into a corner and didn't invite me back in
It was there, enveloped in your own selfishness
The darkness of your guitar
I watched you decide
That you felt unsure.

I used my paint brush to try and help you see
The ways in which it didn't have to be
My skin tanning
My hair lightening
I made a new playlist
I'm not sure how this will unfold.

I feel very deeply
That I've already expelled a lot of emotional energy
I did all I could
To lead with simplicity
I'm not sure where you went
Or why question marks fill your head
You actively stopped engaging
You stopped doing what you were doing
My friends say you are embarrassed
And selfish.

All of this I already knew
My eyes water from the sunscreen
A few more days till I return
And all I can say is
It will be interesting to see how you handle it all.

I've been crooning quietly
To the wailing of my own song
Drifting in the water
Looking like I'm having a good time
Not you,
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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