Comfort sought in private rage with a group that feels the same shields its face from public view as comments echo rage’s words purity born of shadowed realms asking all to close the doors pull the curtains against the world what’s to be said is for few ears.
Hatred spun in close discourse with a circle that says it's fine the stakes are set to forgive whatever said behind four walls prejudice is the oil allowing comments to then flow when us and them are broken down to black and white simplicity.
None shall see these ****** cues projected to the secret screens be they said in Sunday sermons or the mob on message boards all the people in the room identify on one side of the poles chanting mantras born of power turned around to hatred spoke.
If the public hears these private thoughts condemnation will follow soon it’s best to put on another mask when walking amongst the rubes what’s allowed in confession’s booth will convict the same in public’s eye it’s no wonder that schizophrenic is a term too often apt for private rage.
The poem “Private Rage” sprung from a single comment in a list of thoughts about the incel movement. The term incel, short for involuntary celibates, is associated with a group identity formally hidden on largely private internet message boards. It occurred to me that these private discussions are only the latest in a long line of “not for public consumption” forums. Microphones at supposedly private events, political and religious (or a combination) have shown a side of groups normally hidden from the public. A lot is discussed behind closed doors. The same would be shamed if repeated in public.