Zeus had plastic surgery, his fingertips shaved off so he would not leave prints when he committed his archetypal crimes.
He changed his name to Saturn then to Cronos then to Albatross Von Mariner, all this subterfuge just to disquise the fact that he goes borderline ballistic when he doesn't get his way.
He pulled Icarus out of the sky, wounded Prometheus’ side, left Sisyphus on a steep lonely mountain, dared Demeter to save her daughter, yet these souls persist in mnemonic literary defiance of a single fact…
No god is greater than you, the karma jury has come in and Zeus is sentenced to five years of community service on Interstate Highway 5.
He will wear a yellow clown suit with a red rubber nose and floppy green shoes with a fast food tray hanging from his neck and he will walk in traffic snarls stopping at every car to clean the windows to sell hotdogs with purple relish and black mustard wrapped in grey buns as unappetizing and pathetic as the lies he has told us about ourselves for so long.
Have to give huge credit to Dr. Mario Martinez (Mind-Body Code) for his inspiring teaching on archetypal wounds.