The cigarette on your cheek dies, lights up. The ember on your lips dies, lights up. The smelly lamp dies, lights up. The busted spark dies, lights up.
Life is a deadline. The heart is a deadline. The brain is a dead light. Love is a dead light. Whatever you do even if you do nothing, you can't do anything.
Dead light.
The lover's bulb lights up, dies. The corpse's matchstick lights up, dies. The lighter in your hand lights up, dies. The obscene torch lights up, dies. Life is a dead light.
Even if you fix yourself, you'll always be broken. Even if you make yourself new, you'll still be an old frog. Don't change. You won't fool anyone. The straight road is not for the crooked.
Deadlight! Nevermind!
You won't again.You won't reap anything while you're alive, while you're dead, then, now forever, you're a dead light.